Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wallace Falls

I would like to start by apologizing for not having any pictures of this trip. I got there and realized I had forgotten my camera. But, God had different plans for this trip anyway. This hike was unlike any other before (which, admittedly, wasn't many) or any since (ok, not many of those yet either). This is the last hike I have to tell you about from last summer, then on to more current stuff!

I had heard that the falls were so magnificent from this hike that you could see them from the highway, so I made plans to go. The trail starts out underneath powerlines (not so great), but then dives into the forest along the river and everything after that is truly beautiful. My first reaction to any hike is just the setting of the trail. I almost feel like I've walked into a fairy tale and am "traipsing through the forest." I got up to the first of the three falls and they were very nice, but I knew that they were better further up. It was along the next part of the path that things got interesting. That summer was the summer that Gabby was so sick (to hear Gabby's story see my BFF's blog (I've always wanted to use that term!) and things were obviously really hard for everyone. God spoke to me so clearly that this would be a prophetic journey and the entire hike turned into a metaphor for what we all, and specifically Dana, would go through. I journaled the rest of the way through the hike everything that I felt and what God spoke to me about it. I won't put it all here (if you're interested in hearing it, let me know) but it was like the entire world turned into just getting to the top of the falls. I never really intended to go all the way to the top of the three falls, and it really was COMPLETELY out of my ability, but God told me I had no choice, I had to do it.

Well, to make a very long story (about ten pages in all) short, after a lot of whining, pain, and revelation I made it to the top. This was the first time that I realized that when you hike to something, it's not enough to get there, you have to get back out. I whined just about as much getting out of there as I did going in, and I have never been so happy to see those power lines! But God really taught me a lot about testing and going through painful situations for His Glory. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything, and I still want to go back at some point with a camera this time! But maybe I'll get a little more experience under my belt first!