So, after the falls we drove over to Artist Paintpots which is a little trail (like 2/3 mile out and back) that goes around an area of thermal features, the most notable being the paintpots. The trail really isn't that long, but it does get really steep. You can see the trail down at the bottom from where we just climbed up (and I'm not even to the top yet.) The lower part of the trail is mostly hot springs where the ground water gets heated up by the fact that we're in a volcano and rises to the surface.
The different colored algae tells you how hot the water is (which is more evident in some of the Old Faithful pictures). The algae is everywhere that the water runs off, but it does make for some interesting features.
After climbing to the top you finally get to the Paintpots (otherwise known as mud pots). This is where there are springs coming up, but there is more loose dirt than rock and it mixes to make boiling mud. I have to admit that watching these things bubble and burp has got to be one of my favorites.

We also made a quick stop at Old Faithful this day, but I will save all the Old Faithful stuff for next time.
I'm glad you didn't mention the part about me slipping in the creek and breaking my walking stick. Oh.. wait...that problably is in your next batch of pitcures. Never mind!!!MOM
the rangers probably went to Washington U (the wanta be udub) who had to hire refs to cheat us in order to win) we suffer, oh we suffer. Dad
Seems to me you could have somehow got the smells to go along with those pictures. If I remember correctly, those hot springs and mud pots are a little rotton eggy smelling. Very fun even if it is stinkie! A. Melanya
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