And now for the moment we have all been waiting for...the beginning of the Yellowstone blogs!
My parents and I spent a week in Yellowstone and I took over 100 pictures. Needless to say, I will not share them all here, and even then, it will take me several blogs to share all about our wonderful trip.
This first blog is dedicated to animals and wildflowers. There is nothing like a Wyoming wildflower. 
They are so tiny and delicate and live in such harsh conditions. Some, like the fireweed, literally grow out of the ashes.
(For a insightful expose on Alaskan fireweed, check out my aunts blog. The link is at the bottom of the page.)

One of the best parts of this trip is how many different animals we saw. Most of them with young. Not pictured here were also coyotes, snakes, falcons, fish (oooooo :)), and a grizzly with cub. Oh, and I can't find my buffalo pictures either. When I find them, I will post them.
Moose and Baby
Bull Elk
Osprey Nest
I was so tickled to see all the babies in Yellowstone. That was one of my favorite things, along with the fudge and Icecream. Mom
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