July 15-16

This is the last hike and I am officialy caught up! Yea!
Ok, this is another not really a hike, but sort of and I have really cool pictures. My mom and I took the train up to Vancouver B.C. for two days earlier this month. We stayed in a really nice hotel in the middle of downtown. The fact that we had to walk a little more than a half mile dragging luggage (ok, my mom drug the luggage) just to get to our hotel from the train station classifies this as an "official" hike. We spent a lot of the time just walking around downtown and relaxing in the hotel.
Vancouver has a huge park (the perimeter trail is about 10km). We walked down to the park, and then walked around in it. There was a lake, a rose garden, and most of the edges of the park is water, so there were lots of ocean views. One of the things I really wanted to see was "The Girl in the Wetsuit" which is supposed to be similar to the famous "The Little Mermaid" statue in Europe. You can see how the tide comes all the way up to her feet.
As you can probably guess, we were exhausted on the train trip back, but trains are so much more comfortable than planes or even cars really because you get so much more leg room, and can get up and walk around if you want. This was a really fun, although short, trip!
My mom is going to kill me, but this is the only picture I got of her that is even sort of in focus.
So, I don't know if I'm going to be able to go out this weekend. If not, the next pictures you will see will be of Yellowstone!
I like your Vancouver pictures. Wasn't it fun toting that Robin Egg Blue suitcase around? My only regret is leaving that Spagetti in the Motel Room. Mom
I thought you went hiking to the beach? Dana
Laura,I almost cried when I saw your comment. I almost cried again when I saw the picture of your mom, I so miss her. Of course I almost cried a third time when I heard your dad was starting Chemo again.
I am so proud of your hiking career! Masha and I still walk every morning, but that's not really hiking. We should go back to Hawaii and hike there!!!!
I miss you.
A. Melanya
Thanks for visiting my Blog. I have no clue what I am doing! I can't even get this comment to go right. I typed a whole page and I think I lost it...Oh well.
Love your pitures, especially of you and your mom. I miss you both!
A. Melanya
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