There are supposed to be over 30 miles of trails on Tiger Mountain, and my first hike on them was the 1.5 mile one. Well, it was Memorial Day weekend, and I had a barbeque that evening. Anyway, it's a beautiful hike around Tradition Lake. There really isn't a lot to say about this one, except that it is a great hike for kids and I discovered my "secret spot" where I sat and read at least a third of Driven By Eternity by John Bevere. I also took one of my mom's favorite pictures on this hike.
My second trip to Tiger Mountain was at the end of the summer of 2006 (I'm skipping over one, but it will get it's own post). I took Jasmin with me and we were supposed to go on the Poo Poo Point Trail (yes, that's how it's pronounced, and no, I'm not kidding). We missed the turn off though and ended up going down the mountain instead of up, and when we came back added the Around the Lake loop. Jasmin was a trooper and did really well, and I showed her my "secret spot."
My "Secret Spot"
I can't believe this is my little girl hiking all over God's green earth? I love it!!!Mommy
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