I would like to start by apologizing for not having any pictures of this trip. I got there and realized I had forgotten my camera. But, God had different plans for this trip anyway. This hike was unlike any other before (which, admittedly, wasn't many) or any since (ok, not many of those yet either). This is the last hike I have to tell you about from last summer, then on to more current stuff!
I had heard that the falls were so magnificent from this hike that you could see them from the highway, so I made plans to go. The trail starts out underneath powerlines (not so great), but then dives into the forest along the river and everything after that is truly beautiful. My first reaction to any hike is just the setting of the trail. I almost feel like I've walked into a fairy tale and am "traipsing through the forest." I got up to the first of the three falls and they were very nice, but I knew that they were better further up. It was along the next part of the path that things got interesting. That summer was the summer that Gabby was so sick (to hear Gabby's story see my BFF's blog (I've always wanted to use that term!) http://www.gabbysmiracle.blogspot.com/) and things were obviously really hard for everyone. God spoke to me so clearly that this would be a prophetic journey and the entire hike turned into a metaphor for what we all, and specifically Dana, would go through. I journaled the rest of the way through the hike everything that I felt and what God spoke to me about it. I won't put it all here (if you're interested in hearing it, let me know) but it was like the entire world turned into just getting to the top of the falls. I never really intended to go all the way to the top of the three falls, and it really was COMPLETELY out of my ability, but God told me I had no choice, I had to do it.
Well, to make a very long story (about ten pages in all) short, after a lot of whining, pain, and revelation I made it to the top. This was the first time that I realized that when you hike to something, it's not enough to get there, you have to get back out. I whined just about as much getting out of there as I did going in, and I have never been so happy to see those power lines! But God really taught me a lot about testing and going through painful situations for His Glory. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything, and I still want to go back at some point with a camera this time! But maybe I'll get a little more experience under my belt first!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Wallace Falls
Posted by Laura at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Tiger Mt. 1 & 2
My second trip to Tiger Mountain was at the end of the summer of 2006 (I'm skipping over one, but it will get it's own post). I took Jasmin with me and we were supposed to go on the Poo Poo Point Trail (yes, that's how it's pronounced, and no, I'm not kidding). We missed the turn off though and ended up going down the mountain instead of up, and when we came back added the Around the Lake loop. Jasmin was a trooper and did really well, and I showed her my "secret spot."
My "Secret Spot"
Posted by Laura at 9:21 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Twin Falls
Then came the fighting my way up the "mountain" (or what felt like a mountain to me). Finally I reached the top of what I discovered to be the first hill, figured I must be really close and headed back down the hill. Well, I didn't go very far before I started going up again, and then started the usual dialouge with myself. Something like this:
"I don't think I can make it."
"But you've already come this far, what if it's just around the next corner."
"Ok, but if it's not I'm turning around."
I usually repeat this after every corner until I either get where I'm going, or at least can see where it ends. This time, I was ready to walk to the edge of this rock and then I was going to turn around. I got to the rock, turned the corner, and I was standing on the bridge over the falls. Then I started crying. They were beautiful beyond anything I had expected. A couple of other hikers came soon after I got there and he told me the view was even better a little farther up. Well, now I had the adrenaline to do just about anything, and he was right about the other view. So after taking my time to just drink it all in (not literally of course) I had more than enough energy to make it back and couldn't wait to plan my next trip.
Lesson for this trip: It may be hard to get there, but it's always worth it in the end!

Posted by Laura at 4:47 PM 1 comments
The first post!
For the first post I wanted to tell you how I gotted started hiking and why I do it. Then, in the next few posts I'll catch you up on all the hikes I've already done.
I really don't know what it was that made me think,"I should take up hiking." I do know that as a kid I lived in Wyoming and my family spent a lot of time at campsites in the mountains. We went to Yellowstone National Park every summer at least once. Some of my best memories with my dad are of climbing rocks at Veedawoo (sorry dad, I don't remember how to spell it!) and exploring nature all over. So at some point last year I asked myself why I wasn't doing something I would obviously enjoy and started checking books out from the library. I figured I could spend every weekend hiking and by the end of the summer do an overnight hike. ok, so I set my sights a little too high. As you will soon find out, I do that a lot. Anyway, each one of my hikes, so far, have turned into an adventure, and God has met me on each one and spoke to me. You'll be hearing all about that here to.
I hope you like hearing about my journey's and seeing the pictures (I'm an amateur at that too), and please leave comments if you see something you like, have questions, or just want to say hi.
Posted by Laura at 4:31 PM 0 comments