Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

To anyone who is still checking my blog (Auntie Melanya!) you are amazing, and I don't deserve you!

I could go into all the reasons that I haven't updated my blog in the last 5 months, but I think I will just start the New Year fresh and not look back! Sound good to you? Good!

This new year has started off crazy for me. Work is usually crazy this time of year anyway because of all the end of the year/begining of the year financials and reports. But on top of that on Mon. nights I am leading a group of Single women (I love those girls!). On Tue. nights I have been involved in a Women's Cell group (This is always a blast, but I am leaving this one for awhile). On Wed. nights I volunteer tutor at our local library (Believe it or not, my favorite part is helping kids understand Geometry!). Thurs. nights I usually get to go home, but occasionally get invited to a friends for dinner (Yep, love that too). Fri. are my day off, so I usually try to run errands and get laundry done since this is my only chance to do it. Sat. nights I have worship practice where I am responsible for training the vocalists (there is nothing more beautiful than united worship!). So that leaves Sun., where have I mentioned yet that I am the new Director of the Children's Ministry? (I will not actually be in there teaching most of the time, but I'm just responsible to make sure someone is and they have everything they need.) I look at all that and I think I must be crazy, but I can't imagine choosing any one thing to let go of, and I really do love each part. The way God has structured my life right now, I am able to do it all, although, I really do need to stay organized and not slack off if it is all going to get done.

And speaking of staying disciplined and bettering myself, I wanted to list my New Year's Resolutions for 2009! I had so many things I wanted to do better this year, but I knew I would never be able to do them all, so after seeking God's guidance, I picked one for each area of my life.

New Year's Resolutions 2009
Physical - Eat less processed foods and more natural whole ones (this means I will have to cook more!)
Spiritual - Be consistent in my daily spiritual disciplines
Financial - Reduce My debt
Mental - Finish the Berean courses I still have pending
Emotional - Connect with my family and long distance friends at least once a month

So there you have it! Now that you know them, you will have to hold me accountable! Well, I hope that your New Year is looking as exciting as mine, and that you are not snowed in or flooded in (depending on where you live). I love you guys!


Melanya said...

Laura, Yes, I still check out your blog and I think you are wonderful! How do you "do it all!" I'm busy too, but not as energetic as I used to be. I'm thinking I may reduce my work load! Do keep the Berean going (this fromt he AK Dist. Credentialing Asst.) I'd love to have a fellow woman minister in the family! I will pray for your success on your resolutions and you pray for mine on my Deal! Love ya, A. Melanya