Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Can't Believe It's Been 5 Months!

Can you believe it? A new post from me!

After a crazy winter, spring has returned, and I am ready for a new season. A HUGE thanks to all of you out there who were praying for my dad and our family as he went through his transplant. I am excited to report that he went through the proceedure with flying colors. They actually sent him home a little early (which is unheard of for the doctor he had) and he's now back in Boise doing well. I am so proud of how he stuck it out, and kept a good attitude even though his body was literally rebelling against itself. We really felt the peace of God through the whole ordeal and I know that you were praying for us. He still doesn't have much energy, but that is to be expected at this point.

For Christmas, my best friend Dana gave me a photo shoot, so the pictures you are seeing are from that. Didn't she do a great job? (You can catch the link to her blog at the bottom of the page called gabbysmiracle) The pictures were taken from the top of the building my parents were staying in called The Pete Gross House. My mother hates how she looks in pictures, but I think she's beautiful.

So, other than taking care of my dad and church stuff, there hasn't been a whole lot else I've done in the last five months. I haven't done any photography stuff, but I have been doing some graphic design. I even got paid for some of it. If you go to I did the header for the page and the little box on the right with the pink tulips. I had a lot of requirements for what had to be included in it, but I'm proud of the background and the logo. (And the picture of the tulips is mine from last Easter!)

Now that we've gotten my dad all fixed up and shipped off I am excited for the summer and what's to come. There are a lot of plans in place for the summer with the church and just life in general, so be on the lookout for many new blogs to come. And of course, a new hiking season is on the way. Last Saturday the weather was actually nice enough to go hiking in, but I am in the middle of Spring Cleaning and couldn't go. But, the hope is there that there won't be too many more weeks before the weather gets a little more consistent. (Of course, the weather report is calling for more snow next week, but there's always hope!)

So, thanks to all of you who have been checking on this blog for the last five months to no avail. I promise to not wait so long before the next one! I love you all! (Yes, that's the Space Needle in the background. Mom and I got to watch the New Year's fireworks from here.)